Source code for marshmallow_utils.schemas.identifier

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (C) 2021 CERN.
# Marshmallow-Utils is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the MIT License; see LICENSE file for more details.

"""Persistent identifier Schema with automatic scheme detection.

Integrates idutils library to detect the scheme.

import idutils
from marshmallow import Schema, ValidationError, post_load, pre_load, validates_schema

from ..fields import SanitizedUnicode

[docs]class IdentifierSchema(Schema): """Identifier with automatic scheme detection.""" identifier = SanitizedUnicode() scheme = SanitizedUnicode() error_messages = { "unknown_scheme": "No valid scheme recognized for identifier.", "invalid_identifier": "Invalid {scheme} identifier.", "invalid_scheme": "Invalid scheme.", "required": "Missing data for required field.", } def __init__(self, allowed_schemes, identifier_required=True, **kwargs): """Constructor. :param allowed_schemes: a dictionary of allowed schemes. Each key must contain a validator function and a scheme label. :param identifier_required: True when the identifier value is required. """ self.identifier_required = identifier_required self.allowed_schemes = allowed_schemes super().__init__(**kwargs) def _intersect_with_order(self, detected_schemes): """Returns the first detected scheme that is allowed.""" allowed_schemes = set(self.allowed_schemes.keys()) for detected in detected_schemes: if detected in allowed_schemes: return detected return None
[docs] @pre_load(pass_many=False) def load_scheme(self, data, **kwargs): """Loads the scheme of the identifier.""" # If no identifier provided, proceed to validation identifier = data.get("identifier") if not identifier: return data # If identifier and scheme is provided, proceed to validation. scheme = data.get("scheme") if scheme: return data # If identifier but no scheme is provided, try to detect scheme detected_schemes = idutils.detect_identifier_schemes(identifier) # Select a valid scheme from the detected ones. detected_scheme = self._intersect_with_order(detected_schemes) if detected_scheme: data["scheme"] = detected_scheme return data
[docs] @validates_schema def validate_identifier(self, data, **kwargs): """Validate the identifier format and scheme.""" identifier = data.get("identifier") scheme = data.get("scheme") # Bail if identifier is not required and identifier/scheme is not # provided if not self.identifier_required and not identifier and not scheme: return errors = dict() # Validate scheme if not scheme and identifier: errors["scheme"] = self.error_messages["unknown_scheme"] elif not scheme: errors["scheme"] = self.error_messages["required"] elif scheme not in self.allowed_schemes: errors["scheme"] = self.error_messages["invalid_scheme"] # Validate identifier if not identifier: errors["identifier"] = self.error_messages["required"] elif scheme and scheme in self.allowed_schemes: validator = self.allowed_schemes[scheme]["validator"] if not validator(identifier): message = self.error_messages["invalid_identifier"] scheme_label = self.allowed_schemes[scheme].get("label", scheme) errors["identifier"] = message.format(scheme=scheme_label) if errors: raise ValidationError(errors)
[docs] @post_load def normalize_identifier(self, data, **kwargs): """Normalizes the identifier based on the scheme.""" identifier = data.get("identifier") # It can be empty if not required if identifier: # at this point, `scheme` is set or validation failed earlier scheme = data["scheme"] # will return the same value if not able to normalize by idutils data["identifier"] = idutils.normalize_pid(identifier, scheme) return data